Carnesville Elementary

"Expect The Best"

2024-2025 Hours:

Drop Off and Breakfast Begins: 7:30 AM

School Begins: 8:00 AM

Dismissal: 3:00

Car rider will end at 3:25 (*Please note the earlier dismissal time from last year)

PH: 706-384-7326

FX: 706-890-2351

Delina Wester, Principal

Robin Pittman, Assistant Principal


Eagle Events

Upcoming Events:

July 31: Open House 3-6pm

Aug 2: First Day of School

Calling all parents of kiddos from birth to age 5:

Register here to receive a free book once a month!

Eagle News


Students should NOT return to school until they are…

 Fever free WITHOUT the use of fever reducing medicine (ex.Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours.

 Free of vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.

 Free of flu-like symptoms for at least 24 hours.

Signs and symptoms of the Flu:

 Fever (although not everyone with the flu has a fever)

 Cough

 Sore throat

 Runny or stuffy nose

 Body aches

 Headache

 Chills

 Tiredness

 Sometimes diarrhea and vomiting

**Remember to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently and stay away from people who are sick.

 District News

The BOE has approved the 2023-2024 school calendar. To view this calendar, you may visit our Forms section, or click here to view from the district site.